RCP30: Nano Cured Ceramic fotopolymeer

RCP 30 is ideaal voor toepassingen waar hoge stijfheid en hoge temperatuurbestendigheden gewenst zijn. Enkele toepassingen:
Testonderdelen voor windtunnels
Licht reflectoren
Diverse automotive toepassingen
Building Resolutions RCP 30
Oppervlak tot 16μm
Laagdikte min. 15μm
Classification RCP 30
Type Nano cured material
Colour Grey
Classification N.A.
Eigenschappen RCP 30
Properties Units Method Value
Density [G / cm ³] DIN ISO 1183-1  
Tensile Strength [MPa] DIN EN ISO 527-1 46
Elongation at Break % DIN EN ISO 527-1 2.5
Flexural Strength [MPa] DIN EN ISO 178 102
Flexural Modulus [MPa] DIN EN ISO 178 3860
Izod Impact-Notched [KJ / m²] DIN EN ISO 180 0.016
Hardness Shore D DIN EN ISO 868 93.1
Heat Deflection Temp. (HDT) op 0,46 Mpa ° C ASTM D 648 67
Heat Deflection Temp. (HDT) op 1,81 Mpa ° C ASTM D 648 53.6
Heat Deflection Temp. (HDT) op 0,46 MPa na thermische behandeling ° C ASTM D 648 223
Heat Deflection Temp. (HDT) op 1,81 MPa na thermische behandeling ° C ASTM D 648 102

2011-11-17: RCP130 replaced by RCP30.

All data provided herein, which is related to consumables, was collected from specific specimens and tests conditions and is provided for information only. Characteristics may vary if different specimens and test conditions are applied. Unless expressly provided in writing, no warranties are made and warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose are expressly disclaimed. All data provided is preliminary and must be verified by the individual user.

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